What Should You Do In Your 30s?

what should you do in your 30s

It can be tricky traversing the trappings of adulthood. Many of us go through our 20s finding ourselves, finishing our education, forging career paths, and developing as people. While the dreaded 30 milestone creeps up on us before we know it. Let’s avoid worrying about the future and comparing  ourselves to others. Let’s take a look at some ways to put yourself first and make the most of your 30s.

Solo trips 

For many people in their 30s, newly emerging career development (combined with an average increase in property ownership) leads to increased expendable income. It may mean flexibility when it comes to booking holidays and time off work. So your 30s could be the perfect time to go on a solo road trip. Whether it’s a continental adventure in Europe or an exotic excursion further afield. Travelling by yourself has been proven to boost self-esteem. It can help you develop resilience and help you to connect with new people and cultures. We have long advocated for experiences over material things as our London decluttering expert articulately summarises. So, why not go on the holiday you always wanted?

Living for you

It can be tempting to compare ourselves with others when it comes to measuring success. But your 30s are the perfect time to take stock of previous achievements and set new personal long-term goals. As you move into the third decade of your life, you may realise that you’ve accomplished far more than you give yourself credit for. You could be due a well-deserved dose of me time! Whether it’s treating yourself to a luxury item or even buying yourself a 30th birthday card, it’s important to reward yourself. The 30s are also a great time to make positive changes such as stopping smoking, cutting down on alcohol, improving your diet, and exercising more.

Living your dream

Whether you’ve previously hesitated in working towards your dreams due to a lack of confidence or financial constraints, your 30s will likely allow you more freedom to fulfil your lifelong goals. This may mean doing exactly what you want, when you want. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of getting that tattoo, taking a long career break or purchasing that car. Or perhaps starting your own business or moving to a new country.  The 30s are as good a time as any to make your dreams come true.

Who’s going to stop you?

We all have obligations to fulfil and responsibilities related to our work colleagues, friends, and family. However, it’s important to remember that you cannot care for other people if you don’t care for yourself. By putting your own needs and goals first and foremost, you can drastically improve your productivity and quality of life. You might even find that those dreaded 30s are not so bad after all. What’s stopping you?


Thanks for reading!

A Tidy Mind

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