Thinking of moving to the UK? Here’s how to do it safely

moving to the uk

If you’re moving to the UK, you’ll need to be aware of a few things. In the following guide, we’ve outlined five of our top tips to help you prepare for a smooth and seamless move.

Check your visa

Firstly, it’s crucial to check if you need a visa for your move to the UK. When you apply for a visa, you’ll be able to choose from a few different types, with terms mostly depending on what you plan on doing and how long you intend to stay.

Transport your belongings

You’ll also need to think about how to get your belongings to the UK – plus those of anyone else you might be moving with. The solution will vary depending on where you’re moving from, but you’ll usually need to choose between either posting your things through expedited shipping or using professional relocation services. Visit for additional moving tips.

Manage your finances

When you move to the UK, you’ll likely need to change not only your job but the way you manage and keep your money too. It’s worth learning more about opening a new bank account before you move – and you might want to consider a joint bank account if you’re moving with your spouse.

Plus, if you’re moving with any bad credit under your name, you’ll need to find ways to boost your credit score to gain a better chance of successfully renting, taking out a mortgage, or being accepted for loans and credit cards in the UK.

One of the A Tidy Mind services is organising your finances and budgeting if you need help to claim control in these areas.

Start looking for work

We recommend looking for a job before you’ve started the big move. Setting up a profile on LinkedIn could be the most efficient way to reach potential employers. Why not write a post about your experience and the type of career you’d be looking for?

If English isn’t your first spoken language, it’s easy to pick up courses on language-learning apps like Duolingo or Memrise. Knowing a few more phrases before you move will help immensely in the process, especially if you’re heading to an interview.

Do your research

Lastly, make sure you know as much as possible about your new home before you commit to moving. No two parts of the UK are the same. Even in England alone, you should expect massive environmental, cultural and societal contrasts across different regions.

Moving to the UK means much more than just putting up with a little bit more rain. If you’re confident in your plan to relocate your family to the UK, you should expect a vast array of exciting opportunities. Good luck!

Thanks for reading!

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