Tag Archives: professional organiser
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October 26, 2016One Day

How many times have you noticed yourself say: “One Day”? One day, I will lose weight…. One day I will be organised….. One day I will get a new job…… One day……one day. When is this day that you are waiting for? What has to come into alignment for you to decide this day has […]

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October 26, 201612 Life Changing Organising Ideas For A Tidier House

Often, one of the first things a new client says to me is: “I probably need more storage”. But nearly as often, they are wrong. The thing with storage is that it can be part of the clutter problem. When it’s right, it’s brilliant and useful. But when wrong, it’s cumbersome, annoying and limiting – […]

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October 26, 2016Clutter In The Attic

If you don’t have an Attic, count yourself lucky. It means you can simply make decisions about possessions and then trot on with your life. “I think this can go to the Loft” A dangerous phrase if ever there was one. Let’s be honest, it can often be translated as “I am choosing to delay […]

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October 26, 2016Book Clutter

“Just to let you know, we’re not touching my books!” An actual phrase. Heard from the mouths of my clients. A lot. I think the reason for the reluctance lies in what books represent. A promise? Read this book and you will be better, richer, saner, cleverer. You’ll see the world in a new way. […]

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October 26, 2016Undomestic Goddess.

Every day I learn something new. A recent gem: If you put a cloth soaked in white vinegar through the dryer cycle, it will get rid of a weird smell in the drum. If you put a cloth soaked in white WINE vinegar through the dryer cycle, it will make the drum (and kitchen) stink […]

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October 26, 2016Why Are Our Homes Untidy?

  A cluttered, untidy home. First World Problem isn’t it? Well yes, it is a first world problem but it is a problem nonetheless. Not only does clutter and disorder cause huge discontentment but now more people have more stuff they don’t want or need whilst others are in need and have nothing at all. […]

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