Tag Archives: professional organiser
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May 1, 2017Make The Connection

According to Dr Brené Brown, human connection is defined as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued. My job is about so much more than filling bin bags and perusing the IKEA catalogue. As much as I love that stuff, my true focus lies in making a real connection with my […]

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March 6, 2017Changing Rooms?

When it comes to decluttering your house, it’s fair to say that not all rooms are equal. Many professional organisers will declutter and organise room by room but often a different approach and mindset is required for each. Storage solutions in particular will certainly vary according to the function of the space. Here are some […]

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February 26, 2017Deep Clean The Clutter

This post was written for National Spring Cleaning Week (NSCW) 6-12th March 2017 but is relevant to any time of year when the fancy takes you to give your home a deep clean! APDO Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers joined forces with NSCW for the very first time in 2017 The connections are obvious since […]

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February 20, 2017Let Go Of Perfectionism

Perfectionism has long been thought of as the key to success…. But when someone utters the words “I’m a perfectionist” what I hear is: “I’m struggling with a need to feel that things are perfect and I’m vigilantly pursuing it. But no matter what I achieve, I fail to feel self acceptance. Instead I’m back […]

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February 8, 2017Digital Detox

Do You Need A Digital Detox? Digital clutter is insidious because it’s build-up is far more hidden than tangible items. There are two main digital dangers: digital information clutter – when we store too much of it on devices or online; digital experience clutter – when we spend too much of our time in the […]

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January 22, 2017Celebrate Your Strengths

“Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid” Albert Einstein If you have ever compared yourself to others and felt you don’t measure up, that makes you a human being.  Everyone, including high achieving individuals feels […]

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October 26, 2016Simple Steps to Create Kitchen Calm from Kitchen Chaos.

  Most people with whom I discuss tidying and decluttering cite their kitchen as the room which causes the most disquiet. If you think about it, it’s really obvious why. So many different activities occur in the kitchen. It is often the room with the most storage and the largest range of usable possessions. Cooking, […]

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October 26, 2016Life Bubbles

The other day, a friend and I were discussing Bubbles. Our Bubbles. The personal little pieces of life that we allow close to our hearts. Both of us agreed that it is only as we’ve become older that we realise we do indeed have control over what we allow into our bubbles. What’s definitely in […]

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October 26, 2016Consume Consciously

What does the word Consumerism conjure up for you? → People frantically acquiring more and more material goods? → Ideology that equates consumption with personal well-being? → Something that is economically desirable for our society? Certainly, it is a word loaded with emotion and the ability to start an instant debate. I feel sorry for […]

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October 26, 2016My Sentiments Exactly

Sentimental. Adjective. “Having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way” It is possible to disagree with the Oxford English Dictionary definition of a word, right? Okay, the first part of it isn’t too bad. Yes, sentimental feelings can be sad as well as tender or nostalgic. This being […]

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