Tag Archives: declutter
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July 17, 2017Is Your Car Left Out In The Cold?

Of those of us lucky enough to own a garage, less than half keep their cars in it!  The reason of course is because they are often too full of other stuff! But this can leave cars at greater risk of break-ins and even negate insurance claims. So spending a day clearing the garage may […]

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May 25, 2017Are You Taking Care Of You?

  What does it really mean to ‘take care of yourself’? If you drink six glasses of water per day or go on a juice cleanse, does that mean you’re taking care of yourself? If you go to a trendy fitness class or take up jogging, does that mean you’re taking care of yourself? You’ve […]

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April 14, 2017The Oxygen Mask Theory

So the way the oxygen mask theory goes is that if you’re in the unfortunate position of being on a plane which is about to nose dive, you should secure YOUR oxygen mask before helping anyone else – including children. If you don’t, you risk not being able to help anyone at all. Because, to […]

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February 20, 2017Let Go Of Perfectionism

Perfectionism has long been thought of as the key to success…. But when someone utters the words “I’m a perfectionist” what I hear is: “I’m struggling with a need to feel that things are perfect and I’m vigilantly pursuing it. But no matter what I achieve, I fail to feel self acceptance. Instead I’m back […]

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January 22, 2017Celebrate Your Strengths

“Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid” Albert Einstein If you have ever compared yourself to others and felt you don’t measure up, that makes you a human being.  Everyone, including high achieving individuals feels […]

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December 24, 2016The Costs of Clutter

I don’t tend to focus on the costs of clutter. Instead, I prefer to explore the far reaching benefits of decluttering, organising and simplifying homes and lives. Every so often though, I think it’s useful to look at the downsides, so as to remind myself why I feel so strongly about the concept. There are […]

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October 26, 2016Do you have Cluttered Kids?

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who had a yellow, toy car. He LOVED that toy car. He took it EVERYWHERE! He read stories to it. He kissed it good night. He slept with it in his bed at night. One day, his Grandmother bought him a pack of 10 cars. Some […]

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October 26, 2016Is it just about throwing things away?

As with most things, there are a few misconceptions about decluttering. I’d like to discuss the main one; that this process is about sweeping round the room, pouncing on superfluous items and bunging them in a bin bag triumphantly. Decluttering IS about reducing clutter. But it is also about increasing the beauty and function around […]

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October 26, 2016Fake Can Free You…..Why Faux Is In Fashion

Fake. Doesn’t drum up particularly positive connotations does it? In fact, fake might make you think: substandard, poor quality, cheap, an insult to the authentic counterpart. However! Not always….. I propose that fake – or faux, as I’ll more politely put it – is having a moment right now. AND, very excitingly, faux products can […]

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October 26, 2016It’s Simple! How to live simply in a complex world

What is Living Simply? Simplifying one’s life involves disregarding or avoiding things that aren’t important. In order to focus on things that are important. Simplifying and Decluttering have synonymous meanings here. It is about so much more than discarding stuff though. It’s really about increasing your contentment with what you choose to keep. So living […]

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