Signs You May Need To Repaint Your Roof

repaint your roof

Home maintenance can be a nightmare if you don’t stay on top of it. From looking after your plumbing and electricals to the finer details like keeping your windows clean, maintaining a home can be a hard word. But if you’re consistent at it, it’s a breeze. One aspect of home maintenance that many people tend to neglect is roof maintenance, particularly repainting the roof every few years or so. Out-of-site, out-of-mind as it goes, right? 

Well, while the roof might not be something you focus on too often, it needs to be well-maintained, just like the rest of your property. In this article, we’ll give you some signs that your roof needs to be repainted and guide you on how to do it. 

Signs that you need to repaint your roof

Without wasting any time, let’s dive right in. Roof paint is generally more robust and durable than your typical wall paint. This is because it’s designed to withstand direct contact with the elements for years. So, you can imagine the consequences of allowing this paint to fade and become less effective. Here are some signs that’ll indicate whether your roof needs a fresh coat or not:

  • After years in the sun and rain, your roof will begin to fade. This is the first sign that it may need a repaint. Not just for aesthetic reasons but because this indicates that its protective qualities are no longer as effective
  • If you see any paint flaking or peeling off the roof, it’ll leave that area of roofing exposed to the elements, which could cause a leak or worse
  • For those of you with metal roofs, if you notice a rust spot, then it could mean that your paint rust-repellant features are withering
  • If you notice mould growing on the roof, this could be a sign that moisture has seeped into the roof, which could cause it to become brittle
  • Finally, if you notice any wear and tear like cracks or blisters forming

The benefits of repainting your roof

Now, we know that painting your roof isn’t a small job, and it can also be a hefty financial investment, but keep in mind that it’s protecting your asset. Here are some benefits of repainting your roof:

It’ll give your home a new aesthetic

While the major benefit of repainting your roof is in looking after an asset, it has some cosmetic benefits too. For example, repainting your roof will give your home a fresh new look, rejuvenating its appearance while adding to its lifespan. 

It’ll re-add your roof protective layer

The whole reason we paint our roofs in the first place is to ensure that they last. So, by repainting your roof, you’re re-adding its protective layer against the elements that beat down on it day and night. Ensuring that it’ll last longer. 

You’ll defer heat

High-quality roof paints play a significant role in keeping your home cool during the hot Australian summers. It’ll repel the sun’s UV rays, deferring heat from your home and helping it stay cool. 

You’ll use less energy

By painting your roof, you’re enabling your home to regulate its climate better. As a result, you might not have to rely on ACs or heaters to alter the temperature in your home. 

It’ll add longevity to your roof lifespan

A good roof paint is designed to keep your roof from cracking, fading, or rusting over time. 

Using good paint on your roof will also protect it from rust, cracks and fading. High-quality roof paints should last you for up to 15 years before they need a repaint. 

What you’ll need

To paint your roof, there are a few key items you’ll need, like:

  • Roof paint suited to your roof material
  • Paint rollers for larger areas
  • Paintbrushes for edges and corners
  • A ladder for access
  • Safety harness for working at heights
  • A pressure washer to clean the roof
  • Non-slip footwear for safety

How to paint your roof?

When it comes down to painting your roof, there are two routes you can go. You can hire a roof restoration painter who might cost you more but will also bring along their experience and guarantees for getting the job done properly. Or, you can try painting your roof yourself. If you’re going to tackle it yourself, here are some steps to help you:

1. Thoroughly inspect the roof

First up, you need to get onto your roof and inspect it thoroughly. Look for cracks, blisters, rust, or leaks. If you find any, they’ll need to be addressed before you can start painting. 

2. Give the roof a good clean

Get up onto the roof with a high-pressure washer and spray off the roof. Over time, moss, algae, dirt, and debris build-up, and you want to wash it off before you can paint, this includes the gutters too. 

3. Time to choose the right paint

Choosing the right paint for your roof is vital. Consider what material the roof is made from and the climate you live in. Acrylic waterproof paints are durable and will protect your roof from water at any pH level. You could also go for epoxy resin paints, which offer a much stronger waterproofing feature and give your roof superior protection because of their thickness. 

Finally, masonry waterproof paints are used. A mixture of latex and ceramic creates a paint that is perfectly suited to protecting bricks, stones, and concrete. 

Roof paint is not the same as standard exterior paint.

4. Time to paint

Now that you’ve gotten all of the prep out of the way, you can start painting. Remember to dress appropriately, wearing your safety shoes and harness. You can either paint with the brushes you’ve bought or use an airless sprayer which will be a lot faster. Depending on the paint you may need to do one or more coats. 

Final Thoughts

Painting your own roof isn’t a walk in the park, but if you haven’t got the funds to hire a professional, that’s the way to go. Overall, repainting your roof keeps it looking fresh and ensures that it’ll last you for another ten years as you enjoy your home. 


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