It’s Simple! How to live simply in a complex world

What is Living Simply?

Simplifying one’s life involves disregarding or avoiding things that aren’t important. In order to focus on things that are important.

Simplifying and Decluttering have synonymous meanings here. It is about so much more than discarding stuff though. It’s really about increasing your contentment with what you choose to keep.

So living simply is not about living a meagre existance full of deprivation. Even if others viewed your life as such, you certainly wouldn’t.

In fact you would be richer than ever because you would be increasing your appreciation for what you have.

So here are A Tidy Mind’s top four ways to live more simply:

1) Stop.

Find a quiet moment to just be. Notice, really notice, what is happening around you. This of course, is the basis for mindfulness – a powerful relaxation tool. Read more about how mindfulness is linked to decluttering here.

2) Choose your clothes very carefully.

According to a British study by Barnados, most women’s garments are worn a mere seven times before being pushed to the back of the wardrobe and rarely, if ever, worn again. By having a simpler, smaller but well chosen wardrobe, you gain a greater appreciation of your clothes. You also save time and energy every day.

3) Utilise the space you have in your home.

Whether we rent or own, we usually have to compromise on space these days. If lucky enough to own, many look at extending rather than moving house. Simply re-purposing space in your current home can add a great deal of value.  For example, by reducing the amount of furniture in a room, your home can seem far bigger. Instead of building more storage, think about reducing the need for it. Loft or basement conversions are a wonderful way to increase quality of life. But you have to empty the spaces first! I have also seen under-the stairs cupboards transformed into downstairs WCs. Or an area of built in storage in a bedroom sacrificed to make an en-suite. Once you start living more simply at home, you open up the space and possibility to create something more valuable.

4) Really shine a spotlight on how you spend money.

Living simply is not about depriving yourself materially. But is IS about understanding how you can spend money more effectively, in terms of creating the most comfort, contentment and satisfaction. And this might mean not spending anything! To quote a cliche, some of the best things in life really are free.

Helping to declutter “lives” as well as physical stuff is something I’m very much in the business of. So if you find yourself longing for a simpler life, why not bear these principles in mind and make some changes today? If you feel inspired and want to learn more, I recommend you check out The Minimalists’ blog. But be warned – it can be addictive!

Thanks so much for reading.

A Tidy Mind

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