Hypnotherapy Service


Hypnotherapy Treatment

A Tranquil Mind – Hypnotherapy Service

Hi, I’m Vic & welcome to my hypnotherapy treatment page. As well as being a Professional Organiser & the proud owner of A Tidy Mind – West Midlands for the past 5 years, I am now a qualified Hypnotherapist & member of the National Hypnotherapy Society. After becoming aware of the value & many benefits, I’m thrilled to be personally offering Hypnotherapy treatment online. Read on for more information,  book online or email me with any enquiries.

Hypnotherapy & Relaxation

I am a qualified Hypnotherapist focused on supporting people with stress, anxiety, low self esteem and confidence. With that in mind, I’m passionate about the power of our minds and the importance of relaxation and learning to relax for the good of our mental health. Since, I hold a diploma in hypnotherapy and am a member of the National Hypnotherapy Society, I follow their code of ethics for practice to maintain high standards of therapy for clients to have my work recognised by the Professional Standards Authority.

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What Is Hypnotherapy?

Firstly, I’ll explain the difference between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis deals with your subconscious mind. It is a very natural state of mind most similar to being in a day dream. The process is a very relaxing experience that focuses on positive guided imagery. It allows you to access learnt thoughts and behaviours stored in your subconscious mind and be open to suggestions that make helpful changes to these thoughts and behaviours.

Imagine a baby learning to walk. Whilst at first, it takes a great  deal of concentration, focus and effort……conscious thought. However, after a while it becomes easier, natural……how to walk becomes something you store in your subconscious. Then, it becomes learnt behaviour you call on all the time but not in a conscious way.  It is this area of your thoughts and feelings that we are talking about.

I focus on positive imagery in hypnotherapy sessions and use these positive images to change your thoughts and behaviours. However, I do not offer past life regression. If this is something you are looking for then please visit the National Hypnotherapy Society where you can find hypnotherapist offering this.

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How Can Hypnotherapy Help You?

Hypnotherapy can:

  • help you manage your stress and anxiety
  • enable you to increase your self esteem
  • assist you in improving your self confidence.

These are the core, focused areas of my work as a hypnotherapist.

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More Common Questions About Hypnotherapy:

Is is safe?

Yes absolutely.  You are in control at all times and are able to respond and react during hypnosis. You can not be “made” to do anything you would not normally do……no clucking like a chicken or telling secrets you’ve never told anyone before! Oh and there’s no swinging watches either.

Is hypnotherapy recognised by the medical professional?

Yes, hypnotherapy is recognised by the British Medical Association (BMA). Additionally, NICE clinical guidelines also recognise hypnosis as a valid and beneficial tool in the treatment of conditions such as IBS.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Yes but only if you want to be!  You are in control all times. Hypnotherapists guide clients into a state of deep relaxation and use positive imagery. Just like any therapy hypnotherapy isn’t for everyone. There are some medical reasons where hypnotherapy isn’t suitable for you. These will be discussed with you at the time of booking and guidance given.

Can I learn self hypnosis & guided relaxation?

Many people feel that they would like to give self hypnosis a go and that learning these techniques means that they can take these skills with them to practice where ever whenever.  Life is ever more busy and stressful.  Indeed, relaxation and the benefits of finding the time and space to relax are many.  Only it’s not always easy to do is it! Using some of the techniques I have learnt as a hypnotherapist I will show you how to relax and how to use self hypnosis to support your mental health.

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How It All Works

I offer two distinct services:

  1. Hypnotherapy Treatment individualised to your needs (scroll down for more info)
  2. 3 Session Self Hypnosis & Guided Relaxation Course (scroll down for more info)I work online by video call or face to face in Henley in Arden if you are close enough to travel. Sessions online are held over the secure isconnect platform which is a bit like zoom or teams for therapists. You don’t need an account or to sign up to anything, just an internet connection and somewhere safe and comfortable to be.

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Bespoke Hypnotherapy Treatment

Initially we will meet for an 80 minute session.  This includes a free assessment and consul including some hypnotherapy suggestibility tests and the creation of a bespoke treatment plan that will best support you.

Most commonly clients have between 3 and 6 sessions of hypnotherapy

Fees for Hypnotherapy

All sessions including the extended initial one cost £60

Payment is made at the end of each session.  I use the secure and efficient Go Cardless payment system which is simple to use and allows secure and easy payments.

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Self Hypnosis & Guided Relaxation

A course of 3 sessions all focused on teaching you self hypnosis techniques and guided relaxation. During these sessions you will learn about self hypnosis some techniques.   The importance of relaxation, some of the best ways to relax and support in giving it all a go!

Fees for Self Hypnosis

The 3 session course is £150, payable upon booking (sessions are 50 mins)

Payment is made upon booking. I use the secure and efficient Go Cardless payment system which is simple to use and allows secure and easy payments.


Please see my terms and conditions 

What to do next?

Book Now or Contact Me To Book Your Hypnotherapy or Self Hypnosis Sessions


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