How decluttering can save you money

To continue celebrating National Organising Week 2022, we’re delighted to share this new blog post by Caroline Watterson (A Tidy Mind West & South Yorkshire). One of the many benefits to tidying your life is how decluttering can save you money, both in the long and short term. Living more intentionally can change your whole money mindset and have unexpected financial advantages. Read on for Caroline’s tips:

how to declutter your finances

In the midst of the cost-of-living crisis would you like some good financial news? Like how to declutter you money?. Living in a clutter free organised home can be good for your finances.

Yes really!

Check out my top 5 decluttering tips which will benefit your purse

  1. Use up what you have and don’t buy duplicates

One of the main benefits to decluttering and organising our homes is that we have a place for everything and we can find our stuff.  As a result of this we are able to use up what we have and save money by not buying duplicates.

If you are typically an over buyer you may have duplicates, cleaning products, toiletries, food items and clothes, cluttering up various areas in your home.

Start by gathering like items together. It’s a bit like doing an inventory of the things in your home.  Then simply USE THEM UP or enjoy wearing them.  You’ll have less clutter in your home, reduce your weekly outgoings and feel good that you’re helping the environment.

  1. Don’t buy storage solutions until you’ve decluttered


    how decluttering can save you money

Tempting as some of the organisational storage solutions may look, pause and take time to declutter before you buy.  Until you’ve decluttered you don’t know what storage solutions you may need. And once you have decluttered you might find you can repurpose something which you already own. As well as saving money, using what you have and upcycling can help you live more sustainably and consume less.

  1. Shop intentionally

Great things happen when we declutter.  Our homes become calmer.  Life become simpler.  Our mindset changes. We begin to feel happier with less and want to control the clutter which enters our home.  Mindless shopping for discounted items which we don’t love or need is replaced by intentional shopping for carefully considered items which are truly going to add value to our lives. If you do need something, look out for discounts and coupons so you can get a thrill out of being frugal. Sounds good doesn’t it!

  1. Declutter and organise your finances

Prioritising time to declutter and organise paperwork, standing orders and direct debits can result in significant cost savings.  Check all payments are still relevant and valid and consider if you are getting the best deals available.  You may be able to find big savings on gym memberships, subscriptions, mobile phone providers, house / car / appliance insurances.  Having organised finances helps us to plan for annual renewals, our tax return and reduces interest and late payment penalties.

I’m a big fan of Martin Lewis’s website which provides great advice on many financial matters.

You might also want to consider selling your old stuff to make some extra cash. Items that sell well are your old jewellery, electronics, homeware and high end high street or designer clothes.

  1. Uncover forgotten treasures

One the best bits of decluttering and organising your home is finding possessions you had completely forgotten you had bought, being gifted or inherited.  Finding lost items can bring great joy and peace of mind as well as saving you money.  I think one of my very favourite moments of working with a client was finding their late mothers diamond earrings wrapped in tinfoil, which they had misplaced 10 years previously.


Clearing away the clutter from your life can have the knock on effect of becoming a more conscious consumer and being able to keep track of what you have so you avoid wasting cash. We hope you’ve been inspired by how decluttering can save you money. Thank you to Caroline for sharing this blog in honour of National Organising Week 2022.

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