A cluttered space can create a cluttered mind, which means having an unorganised bedroom can cause your sleep to suffer. Here, Phil Lawlor, Sleep Expert at Dormeo, tells us how having a cluttered bedroom can actually impact our sleep.
There are so many things that can affect your quality of sleep, from lighting and sound to caffeine and screen time. But, did you know that the tidiness of your environment can actually have an impact, too? In fact, a study into sleeping conditions, which was conducted by St. Lawrence University, found that participants who had a tendency to hoard objects also slept worse than those who went to sleep in a clutter-free environment. These participants also showed a higher rate of disturbed sleep. But why is this the case, and what can you do to help you sleep better?
Clutter can drain your energy and keep your brain active
Having a room filled with all your clutter from the day not only looks messy, but it can give you a sense of having unfinished jobs to take care of. You’ll be going to bed with a busy mind, thinking of all the things you still need to do, and it’ll take you a lot longer to get to sleep as a result. And, who wants to be reminded of all jobs that lay ahead of them as soon as they wake up?
How you can create a better sleeping environment
Your bedroom should be a clear and calming space that can help you unwind after a long day, and there are a few ways in which you can alter your space to help you sleep.
Clean and clear clutter you should start by clearing all clutter away, especially items you’ve used during the day. This doesn’t mean that your bedroom should be completely empty, but floor spaces, in particular, should be kept clear. It could even be as simple as putting clothes and shoes away into your wardrobe or washing hamper and moving any extras out of sight into boxes and drawers. You should then clean and dust surfaces, as this can help to improve breathing, which in turn can give you a better night’s sleep.
Keep it dark and quiet it’s not just clutter that can affect your sleep, but light and sound can disturb you, too. Try installing blackout blinds or curtains to stop any light from streetlamps entering your room. You should also make sure your room is as quiet as possible. As an extra measure, you could try using an eye mask and earplugs.
Remove any distractions as part of your clutter, you might have phones or tablets lying around which could also be disturbing your sleep. The blue light from these screens is actually disruptive to your sleeping habits, as it can reset your circadian rhythm (your sleep-wake cycle). But this isn’t the only reason why your mobile devices could be ruining your sleep, because having them near you during the night means you’ll constantly be tuned into the sound of notifications. Try to keep them in another room or far away from your bed if you can.
Change to calming décorIf none of these decluttering tips helps, your disturbed sleep could be down to your bedroom décor. Having bright colours and bold artwork will only stimulate your brain rather than relax it. Try more calming pastel colours like lavender, blush pink or baby blue. For artwork, peaceful landscapes can also help to clear your mind before your head hits the pillow.
Maintaining a cluttered space can have some negative consequences on your quality of sleep. But by making these few changes, you can create a more relaxing environment to help you wind down after a long day.