Category Archives: Declutter Your Home
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October 26, 2016Simple Steps to Create Kitchen Calm from Kitchen Chaos.

  Most people with whom I discuss tidying and decluttering cite their kitchen as the room which causes the most disquiet. If you think about it, it’s really obvious why. So many different activities occur in the kitchen. It is often the room with the most storage and the largest range of usable possessions. Cooking, […]

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October 26, 2016My Sentiments Exactly

Sentimental. Adjective. “Having or arousing feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way” It is possible to disagree with the Oxford English Dictionary definition of a word, right? Okay, the first part of it isn’t too bad. Yes, sentimental feelings can be sad as well as tender or nostalgic. This being […]

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October 26, 2016Clutter In The Attic

If you don’t have an Attic, count yourself lucky. It means you can simply make decisions about possessions and then trot on with your life. “I think this can go to the Loft” A dangerous phrase if ever there was one. Let’s be honest, it can often be translated as “I am choosing to delay […]

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October 26, 2016Book Clutter

“Just to let you know, we’re not touching my books!” An actual phrase. Heard from the mouths of my clients. A lot. I think the reason for the reluctance lies in what books represent. A promise? Read this book and you will be better, richer, saner, cleverer. You’ll see the world in a new way. […]

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October 26, 2016What to do with your stuff. Part 1: Recycle

What to do with your stuff – Recycling your goods – A Tidy Mind Deciding to declutter is one thing – but what do you DO with your discarded things? How do you know whether something is worth selling and through which means? And where to donate so that your discarded item can make the […]

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October 13, 2016Make a compact home feel spacious

When it comes to furniture, you can make a compact home feel spacious without compromising on comfort. Your home is simply a space placed on foundations, surrounded by walls, topped by a roof and filled with fixtures, furniture and possessions. The last two factors at least, are entirely within your control. In this post, I […]

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