Ban These Clutter Magnets From The Bathroom

clutter magnets

Keeping the bathroom tidy and organised is a difficult task to maintain in your day-to-day life as bathrooms can be clutter magnets. The bathroom is one of the first rooms inside our home to show signs of tear and wear because we use it frequently. As such, with frequent use come inevitable mishaps. 

Toiletry products accumulate along the sink for practicality. 

Your appliances tend to bear the signs of constant use. 

And we find it easy to oversee the mess in the corner of the room because there’s simply no time to clear it out. 

In short, if we’re not attentive, clutter can rapidly take over the bathroom. However, if keeping up with tidying chores feels like a hassle, you might want to focus your attention on harmful clutter magnets. 

Your 2-for-1 rule

Every day, a new beauty product hits the market, promising to achieve even better results than all the other ones. More often than not, the marketing promises encourage new purchases. Before you know it, your bathroom cabinet is overflowing with creams, lotions, serums, makeup powders, or even the electric toothbrushes for receding gums that you saw in the ads and other revolutionary designs that guarantee we will be more beautiful. So, as it can be hard to resist the urge to try something new, introducing a 2-for-1 rule can help you reclaim your bathroom space. For each new product that finds its way to your cabinet, you’ll have to remove two products you don’t use. Storing hygiene and beauty items ad vitam eternam will only see them go bad. 

Shiny sinks and taps

Hard water is the enemy of the bathroom. Unfortunately, most of the UK has some levels of hard water, with regions in the South and East of England recording the highest levels of chalk and limestone. However, don’t be fooled: water in the Northern regions and Scotland also contains a lot of minerals, leading to similar limescale deposits. Limescale steals away the shiny and clean design of your appliances, leaving stains on sinks and taps. Unless you invest in premium water softeners, you’ll find it tough to get rid of stains. The more stains accumulate, the more likely you are to give in to clutter. 

Mould spores suck the pretty away

It doesn’t matter how often you scrub and wash the area; mould spores always come back. In the bathroom, the shower cubicle is the primary source of concerns. As mould removal can be an abrasive process, you often find yourself with a discoloured area on the wall. The more frequently you remove mould growth, the patchier the wall gets. In the long term, it contributes to a general sense of laziness and encourages clutter. Here’s a tip: decorative houseplants could not only revive the bathroom decor but also prevent mould growth. 

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Small bathroom mirrors make it hard to get ready in the morning. You often have to come close to do your hair and makeup. Besides, because the mirror is small, you never see the mess accumulating on the wall behind you. Switching a large mirror will add more depth to the bathroom, making you aware of the invisible clutter that creeps behind you. 

Are you ready to reclaim your bathroom and get rid of unwanted clutter once and for all? Hopefully, these anti-clutter magnet tips can help you clear the area and start fresh!. 


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