Unpopular Places in France That Everyone Should Visit

places in france

Discover France’s hidden treasures, from the Montmartre Vineyard’s tales of tradition to less-traveled coasts explored through beach getaways or luxury yacht river cruises from IYC. You can also venture to Abbes Square, wander through Jean-Rictus Square, and explore the sanctuary near the Louvre. As you explore these hidden destinations, let the charm of France unfold, promising an ideal retreat for those seeking an unforgettable journey through time, tradition, and the scenic beauty of its coasts and rivers.

Wines are synonymous with French life, and the vineyard is an important symbol of French culture. Of all the places in France, the wine and vineyards certainly attract tourists. Also, the French have been engaged in winemaking for a long time.

 Montmartre Vineyard

There is a vineyard on the northern slope, at the corner of the streets de Sol and Saint-Vincent. 27 varieties of vines occupy a plot of 15 acres, allowing the production of about 1,000 bottles of Montmartre wine per year. However, the main thing is not only the numbers, but also the historical atmosphere and the love of the residents of the district for traditions.

In the name of which they organize a Wine Festival in early October. This is a week of tastings and sales, fireworks and festivities about the harvesting and harvesting of a new crop. So, be sure to come here if you can as it’s one of the most cultural places in France.

Vineyards are often located at a distance from tourist habitats. However, this will not be a stumbling block for those who want to visit the vineyards. You can get there by public transport or a car. Alternatively, thanks to modern Internet possibilities you can easily get a car for rent practically in any place in the world.  Whether it is the UK France, United Arab Emirates, Italy or any other touristic destinations. Renting a car on a trip will not only help in reducing long distances. But also increase the level of comfort. Car rental services offer a wide selection of cars for rent at favorable prices.


Abbes Square is one of the most fascinating places in France and is both a transport hub and a landmark of the district. And all thanks to the metro station of the same name, the pavilion of which was decorated by a bright representative of the “new art” Hector Guimard.

The Saint-Jean-l’evangeliste church, which is executed in the same style, will continue your aesthetic satisfaction. The church has a unique history, it is made of concrete and later lined with brick. Impressively, the architect of the project was Anatole de Bodo.

Here you will also find an interesting square named after the French poet Jean-Rictus. Lovers of nature and beauty will definitely appreciate this place. Walking here is a pleasure! One of the facades is decorated with a wall with the phrase “I love you” written in several hundred languages. This unusual landmark of Paris was called the “Wall of Love”.

A monument passing through the wall

Marcel Aimé has lived in France for almost half a century. And to this day you can meet him on one of the squares. Marcel Aime is a writer and playwright, author of fairy tales and mystical stories. One of them is dedicated to Dutilleul, who taught the rare gift of walking through walls. As you can understand, the idea of the monument was based on the plot of the playwright’s work.

The sculptor captured the hero literally coming out of a stone wall. The building and the unusual sculpture are located on a square named after the writer Marcel Aime. Also, the author of the unusual sculpture was a friend of the novelist and the famous actor Jean Mare. Many tourists hurry to shake hands with an eccentric Parisian passing through the wall, believing that this will bring them good luck..

Miraculous medallions

Not far from the Louvre, you will find a little-known sanctuary among tourists with a chapel of the miraculous medallion. At this place, on July 19, and then on November 27, 1830, the Holy Virgin appeared to Catherine Labura, a young novice of the Daughters of Christian Love of St. Vikentia de Paul. She commissioned her to make a medallion with the image of the Virgin. A few years later, a terrible cholera epidemic broke out in Paris, and then the sisters of the congregation “Daughters of Mercy” produced the first 2,000 medallions.

The medallion is a great thing, a spiritual symbol for France. For almost 200 years, this symbol has been inspiring hope in suffering disasters and adversities, bringing miracles and magic, good to the planet. In order to see the attraction, you need to enter the courtyard, and there will already be an entrance to it. By the way, the imperishable relics of Saint Catherine are kept here.


There are ideal places in France for recreation, education, cultivation and world knowledge! Come to France and spend an unforgettable vacation with your loved ones.

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