8 Things to Do Before Putting Your House on the Market

putting your house on the market

Selling your home is a huge stepping-stone in your life, and there are many reasons you might be considering doing it. Putting your house on the market might mean that you can move to a bigger property, or a new location for a new challenge, like a new job or to be close to a loved one. Selling can give you financial security or a chance to grow your family. It’s exciting. But it’s a big step, and it can be challenging. If you are putting your house on the market, here are a few things that you should do first, to make the process easier and less stressful.

Find the Right Solicitor

Before you put your house on the market you should look at the best solicitors for moving house in your area. There are solicitors for moving house with experience in different issues and areas and finding the right one can help to make your move easier, less stressful, and give you a better chance of staying organised and completing quickly. There are sites like Moving Soon where you can request for a free shared ownership solicitor quote.

Research the Local Market

It’s a good idea to take a look at the local market over the last year or so. Look at properties that are similar in size and location to yours. Look at the price, but also how much over or under asking price they went for, and how long it took for them to sell. This can give you an idea of how to price your property, but also of what to expect.


Letting go of as much clutter as possible will help you to attract buyers and make the move itself much easier and less stressful. You may find it helpful to divide your belongings into categories and declutter using this way of groping similar items together. Many people find it easier to make decisions this way. If you need help to declutter, A Tidy Mind have decluttering experts all over the UK. You may also want to check out our Declutter Your Home Checklist.

Dig Out Documents

Many of our important documents such as supplier contracts are online nowadays. But you don’t know what you might need during the move. Make sure you have any physical documents and files that you might need, and anything that you have digitally, put in an easy-to-find folder on your desktop.

Tackle Repairs and Deep Cleaning Jobs

Small repairs, like filling holes and fixing drips, and deep cleaning your home will help it to seem fresher, cleaner, and in better condition for buyers.

Be Objective and Think About Appealing to Buyers

Décor can be important when it comes to appealing to buyers, and you need to understand that your taste isn’t for everyone. It’s okay to keep personal touches; these can help you to create a welcoming atmosphere, but when it comes to things like paint colour, look at your rooms objectively, and ask yourself if making a few changes will help your home appeal to more people. For home staging tips to depersonalise and stage your home, check out this post.

Paint the Walls

A quick lick of paint, even if it’s the same colour will make your house look fresher, brighter, and cleaner and is an effective way to increase interest.

Buy New Light Bulbs

The same goes for bulbs. Increasing the wattage will make your rooms look brighter and even bigger.

Putting your house on the market is life-changing, and it’s certainly not something that you should rush into. Before you even consider listing it for sale, do some research, declutter, tidy up, and get organised to make everything much easier.

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