5 ways to make your house a home


When you move into a house, it’s easy to feel a little alienated. Unfurnished spaces can feel empty and barren, making it difficult to really relax and feel at home. Transforming a house into a home isn’t something that magically ‘happens’ – it’s generally the result of a lot of thought and effort, and it won’t happen overnight. To help you out on your journey, we decided to share our top five tips to make your house a home, from focusing on your garden to optimising your lighting with neon signs

Create your dream garden

For those who are lucky enough to have a garden attached to their house, it’s really important that you don’t just leave that space bare and empty. You can make it into such a gorgeous environment, with not too much effort at all. If you’re short on cash but still want to go big, you can look into something like hot tub finance. You absolutely don’t have to compromise, and you shouldn’t have to.

Add personal elements

More generally, it’s important that you bring some personal elements into your home. That could be a wall with Polaroid pictures of you and your friends, or a few drawings that younger family members have done over the years. This helps to fill the space with memories, marking it apart from just any other nicely decorated and well-furnished home.

Bring in some house plants

Increasingly, homeowners and interior designers alike are recognising the importance of bringing houseplants into interior spaces. They can really help to liven up a space, adding a touch of colour and breaking the prevalence of straight lines and sharp angles. Not only that, but it’s been scientifically proven that houseplants make homes healthier, more vitalising spaces to live in. They clean the air, and help to create a more stress-free, relaxing atmosphere.

Make a cosy reading corner

Whether you enjoy reading or just want somewhere cosy to curl up with your laptop, it can be lovely to make a cosy little corner somewhere in your house. Pile up a bunch of cushions, bring in some plush blankets and a bean bag, and make sure that the lighting is just perfect. It can be a lovely place to start – and end – your days in comfort and relaxation.

Optimise your lighting

Lastly, the effect that your approach to lighting can have on your home is immense. The number one rule is to not rely on a single source of light in a room, especially not from above. Ideally, you want to have a number of lamps littered around the room, with soft shades and gentle bulbs. This can go a long way to creating the kind of vibe you’re looking for, whether that’s work-orientated or more relaxing.

It can be difficult to get around to putting these tips into practice, and it might feel like it’s a lot of work. However, in the long run, it’s absolutely worth it. Having a home that you can come back and truly unwind and enjoy yourself in is invaluable, and can make life a whole lot more enjoyable.

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