10 Quirky Kitchen Wall Art Prints for Modern Kitchen

Modern Kitchen

Want something to bring your kitchen to life but set you apart from the crowd at the same time? Welcome to the world of quirky kitchen wall art prints for modern kitchens. If you are sick and tired of the same old homely kitchen art you’ve seen, you’ve come to the right place. 

Wanting something different and odd is the right direction, but if you aren’t sure exactly what you want, here are ten inspiring ideas for unusual but lovable art prints for your kitchen space. 

Food Puns

Puns are like dad jokes in that they are endearing but a little dumb. You can fill your walls with adorable drawings of food with their own little puns if you want to add a cute and quirky spin to your kitchen. For example, a small doughnut telling you, “You’re a-dough-rable,” or a cake telling you to “cake it easy.” 

Animals with Food

Animal portraits in situations where you’d never think an animal would be there have always been popular. You may remember the famous dogs playing poker painting as an example. That’s why a cat sipping tea, a dog slurping on spaghetti, or a dino chef is a pleasant image for a print. 

Food Reviews

If you don’t want your kitchen art prints to have illustrations, you can do something different and hang up funny five-star reviews for your cooking. They can look like Yelp reviews that were left by your guests online. For a personalised touch, you can add the names of your friends or family under the reviews. 

Kitchen Jokes

If you don’t like food puns, there are still a tonne of funny food-related jokes that you could put up on your wall with fun, quirky images attached to them. For example, “What did one plate say to the other plate? Lunch is on me!” or corn tanning on the beach, and their kernels are popping. 

Food-Related Motivational Quotes

Motivational quotes are always something good to have up on the wall. A motivational quote hung up in the kitchen should be something about food. Whenever you feel down, you can look at it for a boost. For example: 

  1. “First we eat, then we do everything else.” – M.F.K. Fisher
  2. “Laughter is brightest in the place where the food is.” – Irish Proverb
  3. “Food is art, and food is love. And we should show love and appreciation for those who cook it by eating it with relish.” – Mark Bittman

Unexpected Food Paintings

There is nothing more quirky than something where it shouldn’t be but still working. A painting of food might be boring on its own, but if it has a little unexpected twist, it can be the perfect quirky touch to your kitchen. Some examples include: 

  1. Sushi covered in gems
  2. Spaghetti coming out of a showerhead
  3. Eggs pretending to be flowers
  4. A cigarette box full of fries. 


People and Food Portraits

Art that combines food and people together is exciting and unusual. For that unique twist to your kitchen, think of a Renaissance painting, but the model’s head is a burger, a woman sleeping and her sleeping mask are two sunny-side-up eggs, or a mediaeval princess being fed a hot dog.  

You can take the same popular portrait images that you know and love but incorporate food into them. They are bound to get a laugh out of your guests, and they will learn that they should expect the unexpected in this kitchen. 


What is this Kitchen For 

Usually, you’d think a kitchen is only for cooking and eating, but that’s not true. Kitchens are places where people come together and enjoy their time. Kitchens can be places for healing, laughing, or loving together. What is your kitchen for? Think about it and add that to your wall. Here are some examples:

  1. This Kitchen is For Dancing
  2. This kitchen is For Display Only
  3. This Kitchen is For Trauma Dumping
  4. This Kitchen is for Making a Mess


Artistic Fruits and Veggies

If you want something unusual but not so on your face or subtle, you can pick a print of fruits and vegetables but with a unique touch. They could be in the wrong colours, too big, or too small. Anything that people notice and think, “That’s odd, but I like it.” 


Paintings of your favourite food

You can find interesting prints depicting your favourite foods with a twist. Like a bowl of ramen, but the contents of the bowl are floating over the bowl, or a hamburger with its different layers floating in the air. This way, you can grab your guest’s attention and start conversations about your favourite foods.


We hope you enjoyed our ten quirky kitchen wall art ideas. We are sure that you must have fallen in love with one or two of them. If you are renovating or reorganising your kitchen, go ahead and spruce up the walls. Now that you have some inspiration, here’s to bringing your kitchen to life with fun art prints on the walls!

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